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[News] Eee's Flexibility (Hacker-friendly) Becomes a Powerful Feature

  • Subject: [News] Eee's Flexibility (Hacker-friendly) Becomes a Powerful Feature
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 06:58:56 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Build a Portable Security Tool with the ASUS Eee PC and Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| An easier distribution to put on an Eee PC is Ubuntu – especially if you 
| don't have a USB CD drive. That's because you can easily make an installer 
| USB stick for Ubuntu, and install the OS onto the Eee PC's hard drive from 
| that. The wired adapter works straight away with the installer, making 
| installation and adding packages simple, and the wireless adapter can easily 
| be coaxed in to life using the Windows XP driver supplied by ASUS.     


eeePC - the photographer’s friend

,----[ Quote ]
| The Asus eeePC is great for the photographer on the hoof - especially if your 
| camera uses SD cards which you can just pop in the slot in the side. 


EEE goes the PC



Asustek Aims 20% of the PC Market in 2010 with Eee PC.
Traditional PCs Are Too Powerful, Eee PC – Going Back to Basics, Says Asustek

,----[ Quote ]
| “I think the chance of surpassing 20% in 2010 is very high because there will 
| be further [Asus Eee] products in the future,” said Jonney Shih, chief 
| executive of Asustek, in an interview with DigiTimes web-site.  


Asus Eee PC doing well

,----[ Quote ]
| It appears that this holiday season the gPC is not the only mainstream Linux 
| PC to get a lot of attention. The Asus Eee PC, a $400 laptop that runs a 
| basic version of Linux, is sold out at Amazon and Best Buy, where it has 
| received a 4.5/5 user rating at both places.    


The Asus Eee Laptop Series Selling Off the Shelves World Wide

,----[ Quote ]
| The sturdy and light weight Asus Eee has captured the hearts and minds of US 
| consumers, students and educators. The Eee series has all the features of its 
| competitors, but its affordable price is turning heads. The Eee units are 
| literally selling off the shelves world-wide.   
| [...]
| The popular Eee is not without its critics. IT Wire reports that Asus Eee may 
| have misrepresented the Linux loaded capabilities. According to IT Wire, some 
| Linux advocates say the Eee uses Xandros a Debian-based distribution that 
| charges a license fee and has an agreement with Microsoft similar to the one 
| signed by Novell.    


Asus EeePC sold out across Australia

,----[ Quote ]
| The word from our ear on the ground is that the Asus EeePC sub-notebook, 
| which made its Australian debut in the Myer department store chain on 2 
| December, was sold out completely across stores in the major capitals by 
| Sunday.   


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