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[News] Verizon Will Develop GNU/Linux Phones

  • Subject: [News] Verizon Will Develop GNU/Linux Phones
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 06:49:11 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Verizon Embraces Google's Android

,----[ Quote ]
| In yet another sudden shift, Verizon Wireless plans to support Google's 
| (GOOG) new software platform for cell phones and other mobile devices. 



Verizon to support the Linux desktop, but only if your rich...

,----[ Quote ]
| Verizon has been supporting the linux desktop for Red Hat for
| various applications for a while now. It wasn't until recently
| that with the help of some unpaid employees that they got it
| working for Ubuntu.


Thin clients in, PCs out at Verizon Wireless

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun's Sun Ray is unique among thin clients, many of which still use
| some kind of embedded Windows or Linux operating system, even though 
| the applications are shifted to servers.
| [...]
| With about 5,000 Sun Ray terminals installed at three Western call
| centers, and a fourth in progress, Verizon has seen a 60% to 70% 
| drop in desktop problems and a 30% decline in electrical use at
| each center. 


Verizon Business Expands OS Support for Enterprises

,----[ Quote ]
| "Windows is our most deployed system, but Linux is our fastest-growing 
| one..."
| [...]
| He also said that AIX and UX also have strong cross-platform
| compatibility with systems like Linux, and are well designed to
| handle applications requiring huge memory and scalability. 


Verizon takes over Microsoft TV code

,----[ Quote ]
| Unhappy over the memory footprint of applications and delays in rolling 
| them out, Verizon has ditched some of Microsoft's television software and 
| has chosen instead to write its own.


Verizon sues FCC over open-access auction

,----[ Quote ]
| Media reform group Free Press, a supporter of the open-access rules, accused 
| Verizon Wireless of sending "lawyers, FUD and money" in an attempt to 
| overturn the FCC's decision.  


Google vs. Verizon: The 'open access' saga continues

,----[ Quote ]
| First with Net neutrality and now with so-called "open access" rules for 
| forthcoming wireless networks, there seems to be no end to the discord 
| between Google and Verizon.  


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