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[News] Reasons to Use Linux, GNU/Linux Claims 'Victory' over iPod

  • Subject: [News] Reasons to Use Linux, GNU/Linux Claims 'Victory' over iPod
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:05:36 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Why do I use Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I get asked from time to time why do I use Linux. Of course, people use Linux 
| for many different reasons since people’s priorities vary so much. After 
| thinking about it a little, I would say these are my personal reason for 
| using Linux.   
| 1.- The Open Source Trend.
| [...]
| 2.- Control. 
| [...]
| 3.- I find Linux much more robust, secure, and enjoyable than Windows
| [...]
| 4.- Price. 
| [...]
| 5.- Features.


Another case of Linux beating its oppressor...

Linux vs. iPod 1-0

,----[ Quote ]
| To be honest, I cared up to yesterday, now I can live without it. Sorry 
| Apple, a missed opportunity.  



Liberating iPods in Cambridge

,----[ Quote ]
| During the event, dubbed iRony, users were walked through the
| process of installing flexible and featureful free/open source
| software firmware -- without DRM -- onto their digital audio players.
| [...]
| Organizers set up laptops running Ubuntu GNU/Linux, Mac OS X,
| and Windows XP at the center of the room. iPod users brought
| their players to experienced users, who would determine the
| generation of the iPod and the current partition format, and
| inquire about the user's needs. Together they would decide on
| a firmware (RockBox, iPodLinux, or both) and walk through the
| process of installation. Meanwhile, others looked on to watch
| the process and learn how it was done. RockBox was installed
| on the majority of the iPods with great success.



,----[ Quote ]
| Now I call it a laptop, and it technically is.  It is able to run a 
| full OS (Linux).  And has full UIs.


5.5g iPods can now run Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux on iPod developer blog says the 5.5g iPods can now run Linux


iPod Classic Will Be Supported

,----[ Quote ]
| As recently reported on Slashdot, Apple, in its infinite wisdom, has added a 
| checksum to the iPod database apparently to restrict non-iTunes products 
| (like Amarok via libgpod) from having the ability to add music.  
| [...]
| From #gtkpod today:
| <wtbw> okay guys
| <wtbw> i think we're done.
| <wtbw> let me code something just to check
| [30 minutes later]
| <wtbw> can i hear a fuck yeah?
| <wtbw> works for both mine and xamphears :>


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