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[News] Mandriva GNU/Linux Comes to Small PC from France

  • Subject: [News] Mandriva GNU/Linux Comes to Small PC from France
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2007 05:14:39 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linutop Runs Mandriva Linux

Linutop + Mandriva Flash Pack!

,----[ Quote ]
| inutop is a small computer running from a USB key. Without internal hard 
| drive,  



Mandriva Linux selected as "Product of the Year 2007" at the Russian Softool

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva has been selected as 'Product of the Year 2007' in the Linux 
| category at the Softool exhibition in Moscow. The 'Product of the Year 2007' 
| competition was held by the department of information technologies and 
| computing systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Federal Agency of 
| Information Technologies, the publishing house SK Press, and IT-expo.    
| [...]
| Mandriva Linux will also soon be certified by the Federal Service of Export 
| and Technical Control, allowing public sector agencies and organizations 
| dealing with confidential information to use Mandriva Linux.  


[Mandriva CEO:] An open letter to Steve Ballmer

,----[ Quote ]
| Wow! I’m impressed, Steve! What have you done for these guys to change their 
| mind like this? It’s pretty clear to me, and it will be clear to everyone. 
| How do you call what you just did Steve, in the place where you live? In my 
| place, they give it various names, I’m sure you know them.   
| Hey Steve, how do you feel looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning?
| Of course, I will keep fighting this one and the next one, and the next one. 
| You have the money, the power, and maybe we have a different sense of ethics 
| you and I, but I believe that hard work, good technology and ethics can win 
| too.   


Lessons from Africa: How to Kill Your Own FUD

,----[ Quote ]
| So, even as Microsoft claims superior quality over Linux, they act as if they 
| don't even buy their own FUD. If they really believed that Windows was 
| superior to Linux, they wouldn't have to bribe people with “marketing help” 
| to get them to choose Windows.   



Linux web PC makers tout Linutop-like wares

,----[ Quote ]
| Linutop's recently announced Linux-based ultra-compact PC may have
| grabbed the hardware headlines earlier this week, but its rivals
| didn't take long to start shouting about their own take on the
| web-oriented unit.


Linutop: Tiny Linux Computer On Sale

,----[ Quote ]
| Get ready for a bonkers-ly small Linux machine, called Linutop, as
| it comes on sale.


SlashGear Review: Linutop's fanless Linux PC

,----[ Quote ]
| Much to my shame, Linux is something of a mystery to me.  Actually,
| I think they should teach at least the basics of it in school 
| computing classes, alongside English and at least one foreign 
| language (though don't ask me about my French abilities either), but 
| this is neither time nor place for my election campaigning.  And so I 
| look on with maudlin self-disgust at promises of Dell laptops with 
| Linux pre-installed, or clever thumb-drives and Live CDs that offer
| a chance to fiddle with the OS without ruining your everyday copy of
| Windows; I inevitably fold when faced with some sort of command
| prompt.  Perhaps, then, you?ll wonder why I was so keen to try the 
| Linutop, a surprisingly compact and silent diskless computer that
| runs a specially tweaked version of xubuntu.


French National Assembly switches to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux, OpenOffice and Firefox favoured
| [...]
| One deputy in favour of the move is Bernard Carayon, commissioned by
| the Prime Minister earlier this year to report on how European
| businesses could play a greater role in developing global industrial
| standards, in order to reduce Europe's economic dependance on other
|                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| regions.


Linux wins Nigerian school desktops back from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| "We are sticking with that platform," said the official, who would not give
| his name.


Living with Mandriva 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| This is currently my favorite popular distro. From a practical standpoint, I
| feel it is better than Windows Vista. I don’t say that as a Linux slappy.
| Looking at it from an angle of which OS enables me to do the things I need to
| do day in and day out, Mandriva shines. My next article will compare Vista
| and Mandriva 2008 in depth, and I will convince you why 2008 wins.    


A look at Mandriva Linux 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| There were aspects of this Mandriva release that I really liked, such as the
| installer and the Control Center but overall the system didn't really grab
| me. It is quite a decent, well put-together operating system with all the
| basics and a few extras like the Control Center and 3D desktop effects. It
| was stable and ran well, but on the whole it didn't seem to offer anything
| exciting enough to make me want to switch to the distribution permanently.
| For the seasoned Mandriva user, I get the impression this will be quite a
| worthy upgrade, but as for me I'm going to check back when the next release
| arrives.        
| 8 "Smarties" out of 10.


Mandriva Linux 2008

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall Score: 8.5


Mandriva Linux 2008  

,----[ Quote ]
| If you hate the word Ubuntu and just dont like the system, Mandriva works
| well and the PowerPack contains everything you need unlike the Ubuntu default
| install.  


Battle of the Titans: Mandriva 2008 vs openSUSE 10.3

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall Winner
| In our little just-for-fun comparison, we the judges find that Mandriva wins
| by 4 categories to 2. But to the original question the answer would be to go
| buy the Mandriva Power Pack or try PCLOS or ALT Linux in which advanced power
| saving feature do work out of the box. Also, YMMV.  
| However, don't forget that both openSUSE and Mandriva are both nice distros.
| This little article is highly subjective and you may not agree. That's okay.
| I love them both.  
| Winner: Mandriva 2008.0


Mandriva 2008.0 rocks

,----[ Quote ]
| Mandriva 2008.0 seems to be a splendid release. Since setup I've not
| experienced any problems. My system is fast, responsive, and stable. The new
| artwork is gorgeous, and the fonts look great as well. I was pleased with the
| hardware support, especially the powersaving features. I can play any  
| multimedia file format I have, and watch Flash videos on the Web.  


Mandriva Linux PowerPack 2008.0 review

,----[ Quote ]
| Like I usually say when Mandriva is at the apex of its release cycle, this is
| desktop Linux as it should be. It's as advanced and complex as you need it to
| be, and as automatic as most people would like it to be. Unlike nearly every
| other desktop-oriented OS, with Mandriva I never run into incidents where the
| automatic parts of the system interfere with my intentions for desktop
| operation.    


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