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Re: Nigeria Orders Linux Laptops for Education

____/ Kier on Saturday 01 December 2007 18:13 : \____

> On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 08:56:47 -0800, cc wrote:
>> On Dec 1, 11:26 am, Kier <val...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 11:00:08 -0500, flatfish wrote:
>>> > And all based on facts, unlike the COLA nuts posts.
>>> Ahahahhahah! Please, stop, my sides are hurting.
>> Yes, we get it, you don't like flatfish. Anyone want to take bets on
>> the number of Roy Microsoft Posts vs. the number of Kier I hate
>> Flatfish posts for the month of December?

I will stop writing about Microsoft when it stops attacking Linux so viciously.
There are two sides to consider in a ceasefire and we can't be blind to one
that attacks us secretly.

> Well, considering you currently don't contribute a whole lot to Lonux
> advocacy, I don't see why I should take your advice.
> Still, I'll admit, it's getting a little samey for me. But then flatty is
> a nasty piece of work, well-deserving of the contempt.

It craves the attention, so the best contempt is having it ignored.

> His worst characteristic in some ways is that he's perfectly capable of
> sensible posts that do say something useful, but that he'd rather be a
> snide, lying arsehole who slags off Linux.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Free 3-D Othello: http://othellomaster.com
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