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[News] Proof of the Strengths of "Fully Open and Modifiable" Linux

  • Subject: [News] Proof of the Strengths of "Fully Open and Modifiable" Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:19:49 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Thin Puppy Torture Test II, Day 1

,----[ Quote ]
| Final thought: The mere fact that you can run Linux in a traditional install, 
| frugal install, as a live CD, and make it even quicker by running completely 
| in RAM, illustrates the wonderful freedom of choice we have with a fully open 
| and modifiable operating system.   



Linux. Its all about choice!

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux gives you a choice. A choice to be you and express yourself in another 
| medium. Much the same way as you express yourself in the car you drive, the 
| phone that you use, the way your house is decorated and in the clothes that 
| you wear. It is another way to be unique in a world were you would have 
| otherwise been forced to be the same as everyone else.    


Choice: The system of Checks and Balances in Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| What am I getting at here? Just that Linux has and always will be about 
| choice. And although it is probably good to keep choice to a minimum when it 
| comes to OEM deals (so as not to confuse the unwashed masses), it must be 
| remembered that Linux can never consolidate to a point where only a few 
| distros exist. Not only is it impossible given the nature of Linux and the 
| needs of its users, but even if it did happen, corporate issues/politics 
| could eventually muddy the development process and possibly the public 
| perception of Linux in general. Smaller distros not only exist for the 
| benefit of their user base; they exist as a system of checks and balances to 
| the big boys and will keep the whole entire Linux ecosystem alive and moving 
| well into the future.          


PLM vendor says SAAS and OSS are a natural together

,----[ Quote ]
| The production network runs on Red Hat servers, and Larkin takes advantage of 
| tools like WebSphere CE application server, Nagios for system monitoring, and 
| Snort for intrusion detection.  


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