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[News] [Rival] Door Open for Bill Gates to Buy Some More Newspapers For Brainwash

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Door Open for Bill Gates to Buy Some More Newspapers For Brainwash
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 05:12:30 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
F.C.C. Eases Media Ownership Rule

,----[ Quote ]
| By the narrowest of margins, the Federal Communications Commission adopted 
| proposals by its chairman to tighten the reins on the cable television 
| industry while loosening 32-year-old restrictions that have prevented a 
| company from owning both a newspaper and a television or radio station in the 
| same city.    


Last week:

Can the BBC Trust Butter Some Parsnips?

,----[ Quote ]
| This does matter, because if the catch-up service remains Windows only, it 
| turns the BBC into a vector of Microsoft's DRM and products - hardly what the 
| public broadcaster should be doing.  
| w
| Moreover, fine words butter no parsnips: can we trust the BBC Trust to follow 
| through on this? If they don't, at least we can be sure that the OSC will be 
| there with a sharp stick goading them to do so.  


BBC pinches hot new columnist from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| In response to the BBC's move into business leader PR expert opinion, El Reg 
| has decided to up the ante with a special video webinar on the secrets of 
| success from the important leather-bound office of one of America's A-grade 
| entrepreneurs...



Lobby Group: Microsoft Too Close to BBC

,----[ Quote ]
| A software lobby group is campaigning to highlight the role of software giant 
| Microsoft Corp. in the British Broadcasting Corp.'s digital media strategy by 
| petitioning Great Britain Prime Minister Gordon Brown to address the issue.  


Beeb slammed for 'fawning' to Bill Gates 

,----[ Quote ]
| BBC viewers have flooded the corporation with complaints over how it
| covered the launch of Microsoft Vista earlier this week.
| In one cringingly servile interview worthy of Uriah Heep, the
| Beeb's news presenter Hugh Edwards even thanked Gates at the
| end of it, presumably in appreciation at being allowed to give
| the Vole vast coverage for free.
| In other TV news items presenters excitedly explained how Vistac
| ould be obtained and installed - details courtesy of the BBC's
| website.
| But British viewers, currently forced to pay a £131.50 licence
| fee to maintain the BBC's "impartiality", were less than impressed.
| Scores got in touch to complain that so much was Auntie up Bill's
| bum that you could barely see her corset.



BBC Corrupted

,----[ Quote ]
| Today the BBC made it official -- they have been corrupted by Microsoft. With 
| today's launch of the iPlayer, the BBC Trust has failed in its most basic of 
| duties and handed over to Microsoft sole control of the on-line distribution 
| of BBC programming. From today, you will need to own a Microsoft operating 
| system to view BBC programming on the web. This is akin to saying you must 
| own a Sony TV set to watch BBC TV. And you must accept the Digital  
| Restrictions Management (DRM) that the iPlayer imposes. You simply cannot be 
| allowed to be in control of your computer according to the BBC.      


Gates sold 100,000 Univision shares-SEC filing

,----[ Quote ]
| The foundation said it sold its remaining stake in Univision,
| which is in the process of being acquired by private investors,
| for an average of $35.34 per share in open market transactions.


Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers

$350 million to MediaNews

,----[ Quote ]
| Gates involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of
| those involved in the deal didn'teven know he was one of the investors.
| It was carried out through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest
| philanthropy outfit.


Gates Foundation reports AIG, Covidien stakes-filing

,----[ Quote ]
| The overall value of the foundation's portfolio increased to $9.12 billion 
| from $6.64 billion as of June 30. 


Bill Gates fund reports 12.8 pct PlanetOut stake

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill Gates' investment fund Cascade Investment LLC reported in a regulatory 
| filing on Friday that its holds a 12.8 percent stake in the common stock of 
| online media company PlanetOut Inc.   


More on Troy Wolverton, the Street, and Apple Scandal

,----[ Quote ]
| MediaNews did buy the Mercury News with a loan from Bill Gates' foundation, 
| and is in the process of paying back that loan by publishing information 
| without much journalistic or technical integrity.  
| Specifically, I wrote “One might think that the San Jose Mercury News, being 
| located in Apple's backyard, would tend to trumpet the company's success. One 
| would be wrong... Apple's corporate proximity to San Jose is trumped by the 
| Mercury News’ need to publish low cost, highly sensational news to make 
| enough money to pay back Bill Gates for the favor of his humanitarian loan.”     


Dark cloud over good works of Gates Found


Gates Foundation Revokes Pledge to Review Portfolio

,----[ Quote ]
| ...the Gates Foundation took down their public statement on this
| and replaced it with a significantly altered version which seems to
| say that investing responsibly would just be too complex for them
| and that they need to focus on their core mission: 'There are
| dozens of factors that could be considered, almost all of which
| are outside the foundation's areas of expertise. The issues
| involved are quite complex...


What happened to the guts?

,----[ Quote ]
| Of one thing I am fairly certain. Microsoft all but eliminated
| mainstream software competition. As a result, Microsoft became
| the primary source of advertising revenue for mainstream publications.
| You don't bite the hand that feeds you. So instead of publishing
| issues calling for a worldwide boycott of Vista because it focuses
| more on what you can't do than what you can do, you see special
| editions praising Vista as the greatest advancement in computing
| since Windows 95. Granted we all know that Windows 95 was a dog
| from day one, but by the 90s, the mainstream press had already
| become rampant with Microsoft sycophants and they pushed Windows
| 95 like it was the second coming.
| [...]
| In short, I'd love to see a mainstream publication become an
| advocate for the consumer once again.
| As noted above, there are exceptions, including Linux Journal,
| most other FOSS-centered publications and even The Register.
| But we're the little guys.


PC World Editor Resigns When Ordered Not to Criticize Advertisers

,----[ Quote ]
| Apparently he also told the staff that product reviews had to be
| nicer to vendors who advertise in the magazine. The sad thing is 
| that given the economics of publishing in this day and age, I
| doubt anything even comes of this even tho it essentially
| confirms that PC World reviews should be thought of as no
| more than press releases. I know that's how I will consider
| links from them in the future. But congratulations to anyone
| willing to stick to their guns on such matters.


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