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Re: The One Laptop Per Child XO is an "Incredible Device"

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Linonut
on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 19:36:13 -0500
> * Jerry McBride fired off this tart reply:
>> amicus_curious wrote:
>>> Well, happy pulling then, and watch out for the RIAA if you are eagerly
>>> sharing.  Don't admit to anything.
>> Sage advise from a known windows user...
> As in "Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme"?
> Ooops.  I suppose they'll be after me for royalties for quoting those
> lyrics.

Best I can do is CBS Studios, recorded December 1965,
according to Wikipedia.  Columbia Legacy re-released
it 2001-08-21, adding four new songs.


Of course there is the question as to whether they would
be the first ones to send someone a "copyright infringement
notice", or whether they'd pass that issue on to the
Recording Industry Association of America, which represents
the recording industry as a trade group.

Columbia is indeed listed as one of their members.


Personally, I'm inclined to agree with Shakespeare:



#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Linux.  Because it's not the desktop that's
important, it's the ability to DO something
with it.

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