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Re: Google gets ready to rumble with Microsoft

____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Monday 17 December 2007 00:00 : \____

> <Quote>
> Mountain View, California: A CEREBRAL computer-scientist-turned-
> executive, Eric Schmidt has spent much of his career competing uphill
> against Microsoft, quietly watching it outflank, outmaneuver or simply
> outgun most of its rivals....
> "The fundamental Google model is to try to change all the rules of the
> software world," says David Yoffie, a professor at the Harvard
> Business School. If Google succeeds, Yoffie says, "a lot of the value
> that Microsoft provides today is potentially obsolete."...
> Analysts note that Google is a different competitor from others
> Microsoft has dispatched in recent years: it is bigger, faster-
> growing, loaded with cash and a magnet for talent. And the technology
> of the Google cloud opens doors. Its vast data centers are designed by
> Google engineers for efficiency, speed and low cost, giving the
> company an edge in computing firepower and allowing it to add
> offerings inexpensively....
> Another draw [for the smartest engineers] is Google's embrace of
> experimentation and open-ended job assignments. Recent college
> graduates are routinely offered jobs at Google without being told what
> they will be doing. The company does this partly to keep corporate
> secrets locked up, but often it also doesn't know what new hires will
> be doing....
> The challenge for Microsoft is not the ability to do much of what
> Google does. Instead, the company faces a business quandary. The
> Microsoft approach is largely to try to link the Web to its desktop
> business -- "software plus Internet services," in its formulation. It
> will embrace the Web, while striving to maintain the revenue and
> profits from its desktop software businesses, the corporate gold mine.
> That is a smart strategy for Microsoft and its shareholders for now,
> but it may not be sustainable....
> </Quote>
> http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/12/16/technology/16google.5.php

I found this in:


,----[ Quote ]
| In our view, yes,” [Google CEO Eric] Schmidt says. “It’s a 90-10 thing.” 
| Inside the cloud resides “almost everything you do in a company, almost 
| everything a knowledge worker does.”...  

Bear in mind that Google is very big in clouds. Recent articles include:

Is Red Hat's New Development Environment Destined for an Amazon or IBM Cloud?

,----[ Quote ]
| So who will be the one to move their tools environment to the Amazon cloud 
| first? Perhaps Amazon will offer several tools options, such as one for web 
| apps and mashups, and another (or two) for Java development? You know you 
| want to, Jeff.   


Aiming for the Clouds: The Red Hat Q&A

,----[ Quote ]
| Q: To get back to the original question, what is your assessment of the 
| potential impact? 
| A: It’s early, but November’s news was a good indication that innovation 
| amongst economic models and deployment scenarios is still possible. Not to 
| dismiss the importance of some of the new features of RHEL 5.1, but over the 
| longer term I think AOS and the Cloud offering are far more important than 
| mere bells and whistles, because they make Red Hat a competitor in markets 
| where its penetration is currently low. Even if it’s success in those areas, 
| then, is minimal, the news remains very significant.      


Will the biggest clouds stay open source?

,----[ Quote ]
| Everyone wants to become Google these days. In a way.
| Google runs Linux.
| A lot of enterprises, from banking to health care, are now looking to deploy 
| gigantic Internet-facing applications to customer sets numbering in the tens 
| of millions. (Government, too.)  
| The biggest and best IT system suppliers are gearing up for what they 
| call “cloud” computing. IBM floated its offering today.   


Xcerion's Internet Cloud Forms Over Google and Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| If successful, it may be able to further erode the power Microsoft
| derives from control of the desktop, to beat Google at its
| software-as-a-service play, and to make commodity Linux boxes more
| viable as a computing platform for the masses.


IBM's Blue Cloud: The Tipping Point for Enterprise IT as Service

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM's Blue Cloud, arriving in the first half of 2008, will use IBM 
| BladeCenter servers, a Linux operating system, Xen-based virtualization and 
| the company's own Tivoli management software.  


IBM to turn datacenters into 'computing cloud'

,----[ Quote
| IBM is calling the initiative Blue Cloud, and compared its significance to 
| its decision several years ago to throw its weight behind Linux, which helped 
| the open-source OS become more widely accepted by corporations.   


Also from the NYT (which is typically biased in favour of Microsoft, due to
interpersonal/financial relationship, I suppose:

,----[ Quote ]
| At Microsoft, Mr. Schmidt’s remarks are fighting words. Traditional software 
| installed on personal computers is where Microsoft makes its living, and its 
| executives see the prospect of 90 percent of computing tasks migrating to the 
| Web-based cloud as a fantasy.   

Remember what Ballmer said about Schmidt? Remember what he did?

Behavior May Suggest We're Not Only Human

,----[ Quote ]
| When Emory University primatologist Frans de Waal read a news story that
| said Microsoft's chief executive, Steve Ballmer, had hurled a chair
| across the room on hearing an employee was going to work for rival
| Google, the scientist immediately made a connection with his own
| research: "When I see such behavior, I think of a chimpanzee."


Back to the NTY:

,----[ Quote ]
| “It’s, of course, totally inaccurate compared with where the market is today 
| and where the market is headed,” says Jeff Raikes, president of Microsoft’s 
| business division, which includes the Office products.  

Every now and then, Microsoft will say that its core business isn't bound to
become obsolete any time soon, but it's contradicting such wishful thinking
with actual words of war.

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has warned Google to steer clear of corporate search,
| declaring that the market is "our house"....
| "Those people are not going to be allowed to take food off our plate,
|                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| because that is what they are intending to do."


And this is why:

Microsoft to partners: It's time to change

,----[ Quote ]
| Aiming to rally its partners around the reality of hosted software, Microsoft 
| Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner told them it was a matter of financial 
| life and death.  


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Far away from home, robots build people"
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