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Re: 'Genuine' Vista Costs Extra, "Linux will Eat Microsoft on Most Desktops"

Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> On Dec 13, 8:07 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Genuine Vista label _charged for_ in H-P.
>> http://h71016.www7.hp.com/dstore/MiddleFrame.asp?page=config&ProductL...
> This looks like a competitor to the Thinkpad X series and the
> ultralight VAIO series.
> Ultralights running Vista are a special challenge.  You need about 6
> MIPs (1.3 Ghz dual core DUO), 2 Gb of RAM, and a fast hard drive, but
> you have to keep the power consumption as low as possible to minimize
> the size of the battery.
> Add to that the high resolution WXGA display, and you have a $1700
> machine.
> The ASUS Eee supports Linux.
> Linux works very nicely with 1/2 gig of RAM, 4 gig SD-RAM drive, and
> since it has no internal mechanical hard drive (External USB drive can
> be added), it doesn't need huge batteries.  Which means that it goes
> for less than $400.
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=blended&field-keywords=asus%20eee&results-process=default&dispatch=search/ref=pd_sl_aw_hhh-1_blended_42110143_2&results-process=default
> http://tinyurl.com/2cmuxb
> Microsoft is working on an "XP Lite" that can be used with OLPC type
> computers, but appearantly, it's been stripped pretty bare, and there
> aren't many applications that will run on these PCs.  Even many FOSS
> applications won't fit.

Well, they wouldn't, would they?  Even a windows "stipped bare" will be
a large, bloated thing by comparison with Linux.  Windows applications
have been written with the same kind of "infinite CPU and Storage"
thinking in mind, so you'd probably have to go with foss applications
for it anyway, and if you're going to go foss, why not just run native
linux, so you don't have to have anti-virus running at the same time?

I cannot imagine an Asus Eee running XP *with* anti-virus being usable,
and I cannot imagine an Asus Eee running XP *without* anti-virus being
usable for more than a few days.

use linux!

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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