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Re: [OT] RIAA Forbids Backup

Darth Chaos wrote:

> On Dec 11, 6:56 pm, "[H]omer" <s...@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> These RIAA goons really crack me up. They'll be deploying RIAA thugs
>> in every home to "police" our use of audio CDs next; tazers ready to
>> "punish" those foolish enough to want to listen to their precious IP
>> on anything but a CD player.
>> If the US government really is the democracy that it pretends to be,
>> then it would have shut down crime syndicates like the RIAA and MPAA
>> years ago.
> Trouble is, the RIAA and the MPAA has the politicians in their
> pocketbooks. Any politician who would dare betray the RIAA and/or MPAA
> would be smeared, slandered, and slammed by the RIAA and MPAA and
> their puppets in the controlled corporate media.

The evil businessman runs this country.  No news there.

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