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Re: [News] Printer 'Pirate' Tax, Hard-drive Software Blocks So-called 'Pirates' (Everyone)

Verily I say unto thee, that thad05@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx spake thusly:
> Hadron <hadronquark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> Roy, when will you stop advocating theft of people's music and 
>> video creations. "Sharing" is mostly illegal.


"Sharing" my /own/ files over my /own/ network ... to a total of /one/
person (me) is "illegal"? Well according to WD it is.

Sharing a self-made podcast, or a wedding video, is "illegal", is it?

How about seeding the torrent of a GNU/Linux distro, is that "illegal" too?

It's coconuts like you tarring /all/ sharing activity with the same
brush, that's created the martial-law environment of self-appointed
industry police that we must all now endure, whilst they and their
lackeys play vigilante with /our/ personal data.

Well fuck the MP/RIAA, fuck Western Digital, and fuck you.

>> You want it? Buy it. Simple.

And how often should I be expected to pay the same license fee for the
same content, exactly? DRM does *not* prevent copyright infringement,
and it does *not* punish copyright violators ... it only punishes those
who legitimately purchase copyrighted material tainted by DRM, who then
try to use that same content on multiple devices, e.g. DAPs and media
servers, like I do. DRM only punishes those who play by the rules. It's
almost as ridiculous and perverted as you are.

I suppose those baseball fans who were summarily denied access to their
/legally/ purchased content, are "criminals" too, are they?:


Hadron, you have the brain of a fossilised pickled walnut, and the moral
integrity of Dr. Mengele. If you're not advocating the destruction of a
*charity* for the sake of what you call "competition", you're denouncing
everyone with media files and a network connection as a "pirate". How
you can even have the audacity to breath and feed oxygen to what's left
of your withered brain, is a mystery, but the fact that you dare to
commit your lunatic vitriol into the public domain of this newsgroup,
defies even the most basic reasoning.

> I'm more inclined to just not buy stuff from iTunes anymore.

Well at least Apple had the sense to provide DRM-free content ...

> DRM is just a bad business idea.

Actually DRM is *great* for business, if one's business is ripping-off
consumers. Not so great for the victims though.


| "Future archaeologists will be able to identify a 'Vista Upgrade
| Layer' when they go through our landfill sites." - Siân Berry,
| Green Party. http://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/2851

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