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[News] Sun Microsystems' Commitment to Open Source Made Stronger

Sun Microsystems Fosters Open Source Innovation on Campus

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun also announced increasing adoption of the Solaris 10 Operating
| System by student developers and growth of the OpenSolaris
| project community on campus.


BeleniX 0.5.1 DVD Edition Released!

,----[ Quote ]
| This DVD release includes all of the 0.5.1 LiveCD and adds JDK
| 1.6, OpenOffice 2.1, Netbeans 5.5 with Visual Web Pack, C/C++ Pack,
| Profiler and Glassfish AppServer 9, All the OpenSolaris Developer
| and Administration docs available from the OpenSolaris
| Documentation Community and Desktop shortcuts for all these.


Seems like assimilation to GNU/Linux. If you can't beat them, join them... or
morph... or FUD them while the lies can last... or litigate, if not change
the law around the world.

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