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[News] Hollywood's Arm in Microsoft Windows

Studios OK Technology for Movie Downloads

,----[ Quote ]
| Consumers still would be subject to restrictions placed by the movie
| service and studios. For instance, using the copy-protection
| technology in Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Media system, a service
| could specify that a given title can be burned no more
| than two times.



Cost analysis of Vista DRM: Part II

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft doesn't merely use DRM. To all intents and purposes it
| is DRM, better known as Digital Rights Management, Digital
| Restrictions Management or or just plain CRAP for Content
| Restriction, Annulment, and Protection, as ZDNet's David
| Berlind called it, eventually deferring to Richard Stallman's
| Cancellation, Restriction, and Punishment. We call it, simply,
| CCG, short for Consumer Control Gear.


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