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Re: What If Microsoft Vanished Overnight?

Robin T Cox wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Jan 2007 15:27:01 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> > 2007: a world without Microsoft?
> As they used to say: "nobody got fired for buying IBM ..."

But, boy, from 1991 to 1996, IBM was not something you wanted to be to
closely tied to.

> Who buys IBM now?

Today, IBM does a pretty good business, but each division is more
autonomous and competes with others in it's own industry.  Cross
selling is an option when customers request it, but the divisions treat
competitors to one division like partners in another division.  Credit
all of these changes to Lou Gerstner, who taught an elephant to dance,
and Sam Palmisano who taught the elephant to listen.  Remember, Sam
Palmisano went from PC division to the consulting arm, including the
formation and growth of IBM Global Services.

Now, people call on IGS for advice on how to meet corporate objectives
using a combination of the technology they already have, along with the
technology that is available.  We even have specialists who focus on
Oracle, Microsoft, and Sun technology.  There are even cases where we
will reccomend a competitor's product for new deployments, based ot the
needs of the customer.

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