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[News] Apple Faces Legal Challenges, iPhone Almost Unlocked

  • Subject: [News] Apple Faces Legal Challenges, iPhone Almost Unlocked
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:30:43 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Two new lawsuits for Apple: a photograph and an Avril Lavigne song

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple may soon be facing some courtroom issues related to a snapshot by an 
| accomplished photographer and a sugary song by pop singer Avril Lavigne, 
| according to two recent sets of court documents that were reported by 
| AppleInsider.   


U.K. company says it's close to unlocking iPhones

,----[ Quote ]
| Greengart said that he sympathizes with those that might want to use
| an iPhone with another carrier but "that's not the way the product 
| was designed."
| "Exclusive agreements are not that unusual in this industry at all," 
| he said.


Their stock is doing well nonetheless.


Lily Allen slates Apple's iTunes tactics

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple accused of bullying musicians into providing exclusive
| content for iTunes


Apple Bullies Bloggers, Again

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple has a history of using lawyers against bloggers. There was
| the now infamous Think Secret lawsuit, which may have had merit.
| But they also engage in clearly superfluous, bullying tactics as well.
| [...]
| The offending download page is here (the software has now been 
| removed). Blogger Paul O?Brien simply linked to this download
| page and included a screenshot of the user interface and also
| received a cease & desist letter from Apple's lawyers.


iPhone hack bypasses AT&T

,----[ Quote ]
| Famed reverse engineer Jon Lech Johansen claims to have discovered a 
| way to "activate" an iPhone without signing up for a contract with 
| AT&T. The hack allows users to use the iPod and Wi-Fi capabilities 
| of the devices, but doesn't allow use of its phone features.
| [...]
| Hackers claim to have discovered a technique for discovering that 
| root and mobile account passwords embedded in the firmware on
| iPhone handsets.


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