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[News] Security Used as an Excuse to Sell Something

  • Subject: [News] Security Used as an Excuse to Sell Something
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2007 02:30:38 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Novell's comparison of AppArmor and SELinux

,----[ Quote ]
| After all I read about AppArmor and SELinux even Novell's comparison of the 
| two systems doesn't help giving me a better opinion about AppArmor. The 
| information shown there isn't what I had expected, they're repeating 
| themselves to fill the page and the point about SELinux' low adoption rate is 
| a joke.    


"Don't get Swiftfox!"

,----[ Quote ]
| Why does he not allow redistribution of the binaries? Because he claims 
| that Swiftfox is more secure this way. Swiftfox would be more secure if, 
| and only if, the developer would fully comply with the MPL, GPL, or LGPL.



Microsoft insults our intelligence on Virtualization security

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has once again pulled out the security argument for its 
| decision again and I must say that I find it rather insulting.  It’s 
| not that I think Microsoft doesn’t have a right as a private business 
| to set the terms of the EULA as they see fit, but don’t take us for f
| ools.  If they want to restrict Virtualization, just come out and 
| say it and don’t make up ridiculous excuses for it. 
| [...]
| Trying to stop a Hypervisor Rootkit with a EULA is like trying to 
| stop Malware with a EULA.


The Fear biz is the computer security biz

,----[ Quote ]
| A few days later, I saw what Bill Gates had to say in a recent
| Newsweek interview about the Mac as compared to Vista.
|     "I mean, it's fascinating, maybe we shouldn't have showed so
| publicly the stuff we were doing, because we knew how long the new
| security base was going to take us to get done. Nowadays, security
| guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come
| out with a total exploit, your machine can be taken over totally. I
| dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine."
| My reaction, like most knowledgeable people who read this, was
| open-mouthed astonishment. Now, either Bill is heavily drugged and
| delusional, which I don't believe, or he's just completely ignorant,
| which I also discount, or he knows exactly what he's saying and has
| an ulterior motive. That's my best guess.
| Bill Gates knows that he's at best exaggerating and at worst
| completely lying through his teeth. So why's he doing it? Because
| he also knows that Apple's new ads are helping Macs to sell like
| hot cakes, and that security is a big reason why a lot of people
| are throwing up their hands in disgust at Windows and switching
| to Apple's computers.
| Who reads Newsweek? Not computer pros, but Joe and Jane
| Computer-user, and Joe and Jane tend to believe what they
| read in the mainstream media when it comes to computers,
| especially when that nice, smart philanthropist Bill Gates
| is the one saying it. He's Mr Computer, after all, so he
| must be right!


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