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Re: [News] Exit Route from Microsoft Lockin Revisited, New Microsoft Lockin in the Making

____/ Mark Kent on Sunday 01 July 2007 12:40 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> mso2ooo - Batch Convert Microsoft Office Documents to OpenOffice Documents
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| OpenOffice.org has become more and more suited for replacing Microsoft
>>| Office. Sadly, porting lots of Microsoft Office documents to OpenOffice
>>| format (aka OpenDocument Format) is not easy. If you have only one, five,
>>| or ten files you could just open them one by one and resave in
>>| OpenOffice.org, but how about hundreds or thousands of multi-megabyte
>>| documents in a corporate environment?
>> `----
>> Ecma to create standard out of Microsoft's PDF rival
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| XPS is one of many file formats natively supported in Microsoft's Office
>>| 2007 productivity suite and was developed internally by the company.
>>| Currently, Microsoft has the only implementation of XPS.
>>| [...]
>>| "If [Open XML], and now Microsoft XML Paper Specification, each sail
>>| through Ecma, and are then adopted by ISO/IEC JTC1, then I think that we
>>| might as well declare 'game over' for open standards," said Andrew
>>| Updegrove, an intellectual property attorney and outspoken open-standards
>>| and ODF advocate on his blog. "It's time for the national bodies to draw a
>>| line in the sand and reject Ecma 376 -- before it's too late."
>> `----
> ECMA is not a real standards body, it's an industry body, whose function
> is to do exactly this kind of thing.

I once saw ECMA referred to as a coin-in-the-slot body. It's an industry /for/
industry body. It's like some form of a lobbying arm, but it functions
differently. It's moves by the money.

> Real standards come from the source.  Why anyone would see Microsoft as
> doing anything other than trying to extend their abusive monopoly even
> further, I do not know.  Unless they're Ashley Highfield of course, who
> would appear to be blind.

Maybe he lost his decryption glasses.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Download Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
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