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Re: The Intel Betrayal (of Linux)

"DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> You can dissemble all you want on cola, and claim whatever silly numbers 
> about Linux market share; deep down we all know hardly anyone runs it on 
> their desktop.  And we all know why.

I do. My gf does. My mom does. Around 30-40 desktops in daily use for 8+
hours a day at drjays.com (my employer until recently) do, and a few
desktops at my current employer do also. There's more Linux desktop use
out there than most people think. It reminds me of my recent discoveries
about the Lisp programming language. I thought it was dead for years
because nobody I knew was using it. But a couple of years ago I found a
ton of people using it (many of the major airlines and orbitz.com all
use a software product written in Lisp to handle ticket sales and
scheduling) and now I realize it has been there all along. I am
constantly amazed to find out how large and segmented the computer world
can be. Even now there are 267 people in #lisp on freenode. And I
thought it was dead except for very niche use in emacs. How wrong I
was. There are 467 people in #linux on freenode alone. The Linux desktop
market is already plenty big enough to keep me very busy.

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