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[News] [Linux] Linux is Coming to 3 More Devices

Intel shows more advanced ultraportable

,----[ Quote ]
| Instead of Windows, the MIMD uses Midinux, a Linux operating 
| system for mobile devices from China's Red Flag Linux.


Apple-TV to run Linux soon?

,----[ Quote ]
| Despite early success, the project's labors are "not ready for prime 
| time yet," according to the Wiki page. EFI is not fully working yet, 
| and the instructions appear to be incomplete and apparently still 
| evolving. The Wiki page concludes, "I just wanna put some info up 
| to get people informed that the wait for Linux is nearly over."


Pepper Computer Announces Pepper Linux Support for Intel-Based Mobile
Internet Devices

,----[ Quote ]
| Pepper Computer, Inc. today announced Pepper Linux support for 
| Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) based on Intel low-power 
| processors and chipsets.


Microsoft signed a deal with LG only to scare people (no disclosure of
patents). Obviously, the world yawns and continues to ignore the FUD (see
survey that supports it below).


Microsoft rekindles its war on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| As a result, patent worries are down among Linux users over the last
| three years. LinuxDevices.com's latest reader survey, published
| earlier this month, suggested that only about 22 percent of
| embedded Linux developers take patent concerns seriously, down
| from 33 percent two years ago. 


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