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[News] [OSS] Microsoft Continues to Fight for Lockin All Across America

Microsoft trounces pro-ODF forces in state battles over open document formats

,----[ Quote ]
| In a resounding victory for Microsoft Corp., bills seeking to mandate the 
| use of open document formats by government agencies have been defeated 
| in five states, and only a much-watered-down version of such legislation 
| was signed into law in a sixth state.


Microsoft shows the price of a monopoly... not the price the customer pays,
but the amount of money it'll spend 'influencing' politicians in order to
keep its predatory monopoly alive. It has "corruption" written all over it.



Packing The Court At The ISO?

,----[ Quote ]
|      ...P member countries ('participating member' countries) sending 
|     representatives, and I am interested to note the majority of
|     their representatives are, as individuals, also Microsoft employees.
| [...]
| How can they not see that OOXML (ECMA 376) is unwanted by anyone outside of 
| Microsoft? How about it Brian Jones? Are you really so desperate that you
| have to resort to that?


Q&A: Former Mass. CIO feels 'bittersweet pride' after battles with Microsoft,

,----[ Quote ]
| As CIO of Massachusetts from February to November last year, Louis 
| Gutierrez had to endure most of the brunt of Microsoft Corp.'s political 
| wrath over a state policy calling for the adoption of the Open Document 
| Format for Office Applications, or ODF -- a rival to the software vendor's 
| Office Open XML file format.


,----[ Quote ]
|    Quinn:  Almost to a person, to anybody involved or who knows about
|    the ODF issue, they attributed the story to Microsoft, right, wrong
|    or otherwise. Senator Pacheco may be a bully but I do not believe he
|    is disingenious and would stoop to such a tactic. Senator Pacheco and
|    Secretary Galvin's office remain very heavily influenced by the
|    Microsoft money and its lobbyist machine, as witnessed by their
|    playbook and words, in my opinion.


MA Governor-Elect Names MS Anti-ODF Lobbyist to Technology Advisory Group


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