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Re: [News] Novell's Hopes Raised, But Reality Strikes

__/ [ BearItAll ] on Friday 01 June 2007 14:15 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Out of the Gate: Novell Jumps
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Shares of Novell Inc. ticked up at the opening bell Thursday after the
>> | software platforms developer said it is making progress in its move to
>> | products based on Linux.
>> `----
>> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070531/novell_out_of_the_gate.html?.v=1
> You know the stupid part of this, Novell were doing so well and their
> products building so rapidly in popularity that had the MS agreement not
> taken place Mr Novell could be parking his brand new yaught next to Mr
> Google's, just to show off.

And that is exactly while Microsoft approached Novell's approach (with some
extra sour spice that required $0.3 billion to swallow).

To quote part of my interview with Jeremy Allison:

"I?m sad because I don?t think we needed to do this [Microsoft] deal]. We
were gaining a lot of traction with SuSE Linux desktop, and from my
perspective (admittedly not high up in the company hierarchy with views on
revenue) we were winning. We had a good product, I was always extremely busy
with new customer requirements, and was personally involved in winning new
customers for SLED and SLES. It just feels to me like snatching defeat from
the jaws of victory."

> You didn't need to be clever or have great hind sight or anything to see
> how well Novell would do from SLES and maybe SLED too. Both brillient
> products, then SELinux, the work in many other areas, all of it seemed to
> be in the right direction.

Bear in mind that I was a SUSE fan at a time when it was probably the at top
as far as the desktop goes. Ubuntu was maybe second at the time. (but
growing fast)

> Then wallap, the agreement, and now they seem to be inhibited.
> A synic might say something like 'MS knew as well as anyone else which of
> the big five Linux vendors to cripple. Not Redhat too expensive, not Debian
> too difficult and very unlikely to even listen to MS, Novell - perfect,
> building rapidly, of all the Linux distros the most likely to take a big
> share of Windows servers and maybe even desktops too. Kick them in the
> balls before they get too big'.

Yes! And arseholes like Hilf who are there to act as strategists know how to
'kill' Linux best,

> I reckon the thought process was very like that. It worked too, Novell is
> still popular and rightly so, but they are also much much quieter. We know
> that they have already pulled out of areas they were involved in that the
> rest of Linux would also benefit from.
> What ever is said about MS there is one area in which they excel and win
> first prize, kicking people in the bollocks.

Ray Noorda knew that. He passed away last year and he must be spinning in his

>> Jim Finkle's (Reuters-harboured shill) *pump*.
>> But then:
>> GPLv3: the sting remains, says RMS
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The Free Software Foundation will publish the last call draft of the
>> | third revision of its General Public License (GPLv3) today and has
>> | retained sufficient bite in it to penalise Microsoft.
>> `----
> I wonder if that can be seen as a test, if Novell release anything under
> GPLv3 then maybe MS hasn't quite got their hands on Novell's short and
> curlies afterall. If they don't, then maybe it is because they can't. No
> vendor is forced to release under GPLv3 of cause, but the likes of Novell
> would have done not too long ago, though it is unlikely they would have
> switched licence prior to a major release of an application/utility or OS.

Novell's filing ('dumped' before a long weekend) included a note expressing
their sincere concern about GPLv3. They know what it all means. Right now
they pitch it to the press (several outlooks).

Microsoft Linux deal is good for Linux, they say.


Microsoft Linux deal is good for Microsoft and Novell, _at the expense of
Linux and Free software_. Novell wants to join Microsoft as they bite off
the life of Linux.

                ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Those who can, Open-Source
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/7                         Fri Jun  1 09:13   still logged in   
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