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Re: Microsoft Windows Worm Removal Information

On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 00:23:23 -0500, thad05@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

>Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I was very suprised to see JNU using the term "quarantined". I was also
>> stunned to see them blaming the operating system. I can imagine that the
>> person who maintains this page is not only fed up with the burden viruses
>> introduce (workload), but s/he also dislikes Microsoft (a dilike which is
>> very well /earned/).
>I think a lot of Winvocates out there really underestimate how much
>the malware/virus issue is driving some of the Linux migration.  Sure,
>you can make Windows system secure with the right layering of firewall
>and anti-virus products, keep up to date on patches, use Firefox
>instead of IE, etc... but most users don't want to deal with all
>that.  Linux is drop-in simple by comparison.  I've heard it argued
>that you need to be a geeky system admin type to use Linux, but the
>truth is actually something of the opposite.  Software install and
>upgrade on Linux is just point and click.  Security is so simple it
>practically fades into the background; no third party packages to
>install and configure.  Firefox is already the default browser.
Its disgusting what people have put up with over the years. Linux may
not be perfect, but after Windoze, its like walking in a field full of

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