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Re: [News] [Rival] Serious Flaw Found in Windows Live ID

On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:30:30 -0400, "Dr. Shlongwell"
<dShlong@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Damn idiot and liar. Nowhere does the article say anthing about this being a 
>"Serious Flaw" you retard. So quit making up shite as you go along. Quit 
>being a dishonest bitch and post what the story actually says, not what you 
>wish it says.
"An attacker could use the flaw as part of a social-engineering ploy,
where users are tricked into doing something that puts their machine
at risk. For example, victims could receive an instant message from
someone who appears to have his boss's e-mail address."

That would  be considered serious by many people. 


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