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[News] Microsoft Shill (Enderle) Lies to the Press About Linux, Again

Yup. Microsoft uses its paid-for analysts to bluntly lie to the press.

Dell tests consumer preferences on Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Company seeks opinions as it considers putting system on consumer PCs.
| [...]
| "Linux was simply not designed for the desktop, neither as a product
| nor given the economic model around it," said Rob Enderle, head of
|                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^
| the Enderle Group in San Jose, Calif. "It will be hard for Dell to
| make it work."
| Because Linux isn't compatible with most existing computers, what
| it can do is somewhat limited, analysts said. For example, few
| computer-based games run on Linux. Versions of Linux would work
| better on an appliance-type desktop -- one that performs a smaller
| set of specific functions, said Roger Kay, president of EndpointT
| echnologies Associates Inc.



Linux fails to defend itself against imaginary FUD problem

,----[ Quote ]
| I wouldn't normally respond to pleas for attention, but Rob Enderle's
| latest piece on Linux and FUD cannot escape comment. 


Microsoft Xbox to Join the Battle for Video Downloading

,----[ Quote ]
| Editors' Note: November 10, 2006, Friday An article in Business Day
| on Tuesday described a decision by Microsoft to offer movies and
| episodes of television shows for downloading through its Xbox Live
| online service in the United States.
| The article quoted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle
| Group, discussing the features that set Xbox Live service apart
| and its position in the market.
| But the article did not note that Mr. Enderle had Microsoft as a client,
| a fact later pointed out by a reader. Mr. Enderle does consulting work
| for several of Microsoft's product groups, though not for the one
| developing the Xbox; still, had The Times known of Mr. Enderle's work
| for Microsoft, it would not have sought out his opinion on the product. 


NY Times bans Microsoft analysts from Microsoft stories

,----[ Quote ]
| The New York Times continues to perplex with its analyst- quoting
| policy. Rather than having analysts declare their ties to clients,
| the paper would prefer to quote analysts that have no experience
| with a client - a protocol which seems to undermine the very point
| of citing analysts.
| The Register this week started pushing the Times to explain its
| quoting stance after noticing that Rob Enderle - the most quoted
|                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^
| technology analyst on the planet - had been blocked from commenting
| on companies with which he has a financial relationship. The ban
| against Enderle appeared odd, given that Times reporters continue
| to cite analysts from larger firms who also have financial
| relationships with the companies discussed.
| [...]
| As it turns out, there's a cottage industry devoted to Rob
| Enderle, where Linux zealots fire off this form letter to editors
| whenever Enderle appears talking about Microsoft. Perhaps the Linux
| crowd could put its fabled collective mind toward creating letters
| for all the major analysts. Lord knows, the Times could use
| some help.


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