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Roy Schestowitz Getting Lambasted On Digg.Com.

On Mar 16, 2:59 pm, Robert Parsonage <r...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> wylbur.horse...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> [snip]
> Oh look, flatfish using another anonymous proxy. At least you are
> choosing proxies running a secure / stable OS these days.

Attack the messenger when you can't refute the message.
That's the first sign of a lamer.
Right, Culley?
Why are you hiding behind the Robert Parsonage name Roy?

Having trouble accepting the truth that when Roy Schestowitz takes his
SPAM show on the road, people object to his *seedy* tactics.

It must have something to do with the name "Roy", right
Culley,,,,,errrr Parsonage....?

BTW you have no idea how wrong you are and how right I am....

Apparently the people over on digg.com are a lot smarter than the
people in comp.os.linux.advocacy because they are on to Roy
Schestowitz and his games.

Read on to see how COLA's favorite SPAMMER gets his SPAM thrown right
back at him by people who can think for themselves instead of lapped
up by his loyal subjects in COLA.


Just a few of the comments:

"Corrupts documentation? How can they corrupt something that wasn't
present in the first place? Oh yeah, because you used a
sensationalistic misleading title to resubmit an old story."

"Schestowitz... you love to be hated, don't you?"

" Newly-leaked Antitrust Memos: schestowitz Deliberately Submitting
Anti-MS Stories In
The Linux Topic To Make Them Popular."


" That's BS and you know it schestowitz. Maybe if you had done it
or twice, it'd be excusable but doing it daily isn't. You
chose a single comment and took it out of context so you could push
your ignorant anti-MS campaign, you just happened to be caught with
your pants down by RedLion, who unluckily for you actually read it
whereas most people Digging this article won't read it and will
take your word, which can not be trusted."

"love how as soon as someone points out the FUD schestowitz is
he starts some tirade about how they're following him around and/or
hired by Microsoft, etc."

" and the schestowitz's FUD continues. this is the 3rd (or maybe 4th)
story that he submits with phrases taken out of context and

And this pattern continues throughout most of Roy Schestowitz's posts
over on digg.com

It's amazing what happens when you take the king out of the safety
comfort of his kingdom and place him in the real world with people
can actually think for themselves unlike the drones and yes men that
inhabit comp.os.linux.advocacy.

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