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[News] Microsoft Tries Alternative Markets and Fails, Again

Cisco benefits as Microsoft keeps moving the goalposts 

,----[ Quote ]
| Forced between choosing between unified comms vendors, many users
| are reluctantly opting to use an alternative to Microsoft. Others,
| it seems, are a lot less disappointed.
| [...]
| The Microsoft partner confessed that Cisco is the preferred option. "Cisco 
| has a better track record of consistency on upgrades. Whereas Microsoft?s 
| new products can be a completely different kettle of fish from the last," 
| he said.


Unable to sustain profitability in proprietary software, Microsoft explores
hardware, games, and music players. More people 'join the social' and
reluctantly become part of the experiment.


Microsoft using early Vista users as guinea pigs?

,----[ Quote ]
| Interesting to read in the International Herald Tribune this week
| about Microsoft hitting a 'crisis of confidence' with its new Vista
| operating system.
| [...]
| Sounds familiar? Your bet - it's almost an exact re-run of the
| security issues that affected Windows XP in its earliest days.
| Microsoft wouldn't be using its Vista users - as it did with XP -
| as guinea pigs, now would it?...


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