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[News] Software Freedom (Customisation) More Important Than Cost

The Business Case for Open Source Software

,----[ Quote ]
| Sure, the cost savings of OSS is a great benefit and a strong
| reason to choose OSS over proprietary software. However, you
| now have a few more points to consider as you mull over your
| software decisions. I hope that I have convinced you that the
| "freedom" benefits of Open Source Software are just as important
| as the cost savings, if not more so.


Roll your own social network with Elgg

,----[ Quote ]
| Elgg run on the popular Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) combination 
| and can be installed easily. 
| [...]
| "Elgg is extremely easy to customize, write plugins for, and
| generally integrate into other technologies," says Stan Stanier,
| learning technologies group manager at the University of Brighton
| in England. Brighton's Elgg deployment, called Community@Brighton,
| has more than 36,000 users, all of whom get their own blogs, space
| for file storage, and access to communities and other resources.


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