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[News] Ubuntu Linux - Latest Success Stories

Installing Ubuntu - So easy, I may be about to join the darkside

,----[ Quote ]
| downloaded the iso for 6.10 that went pretty quickly - while I was doing 
| other bits and pieces on the web, and it took a grand total of about 45 
| minutes.
| burnt it to cd, and took it over to an older p3 that I had prepared 
| earlier.
| chucked it in the drive, booted it.
| *bang* Linux up and running.
| [...]
| I'll be going offline now to install ubuntu onto my main Workstation
| (This one) and we will see how that goes.


Ubuntu is a dream compared to Windoze...

,----[ Quote ]
| All in all, installing Ubuntu is very easy! When you?re done, you
| have a complete, secure, stable, running OS complete with a office
| suite (OpenOffice), web browser (Firefox), chat client (GAIM) and
| Mail client (Thunderbird). Ubuntu also starts and shuts down very
| fast compared to Windows...


Ubuntu installed on the Inspiron 640m

,----[ Quote ]
| Isn't that something! I am pretty happy with Ubuntu on that laptop so far!


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