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[News] Avid Windows Guys Gradually Becomes a Linux Guy

My Journey to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm a Windows guy, I've always been a Windows guy. Windows today is more 
| stable than ever. Seems now would be the best time of all to be a Windows 
| guy. Slowly but surely though, I'm becoming a Linux guy.
| [...]
| So I find myself using all open source non Microsoft tools for everything 
| except for the server's operating system. Having become quite comfortable 
| on the command line, it finally hit me, stop screwing with all these 
| problems on Windows and try Linux again. Setting up new Seaside services on 
| Windows is a multi step pain in the but. I'd thought I'd give a Linux a try 
| and see how far it's come since the last time I tried it. Boy was I 
| surprised. In the next post I'll detail my experience setting up a Linux 
| server for hosting Seaside.


Also new:

The big switch!

,----[ Quote ]
| I've done it. Windows has gone bye bye!
| Edubuntu is the new love of my IT life.
| [...]
| Now I have a beautiful operating system that doesn't require me to
| run a zillion unknown applications. I don't have to worry about
| viri (Tigger says the real geeks use viri as the plural of virus
| :) ) or spyware. It's beautiful. I love it.
| By the way: the whole installation (not including importing stuff
| and such) took about 20 minutes. Ever installed Windows yourself? 


Last week (from Microsoft MVPs):

An Open Letter To Jim Allchin (from Chris Pirillo)

,----[ Quote ]
| Jim,
| Congratulations! Seriously. I'm glad that you finally got Windows
| Vista out the door, but I'm equally as thrilled to know that you're
| working on releasing SP1 by the end of this year.


Vista - Even The Experts Are Giving Up On It

,----[ Quote ]
| [MS MVP:] This may be a time for people to explore alternatives like Mac or 
| even Linux. I just installed PCLinuxOS 2007 beta on a test system and right
| out of the box (actually, it's a free download), it worked perfectly.
| Go figure. And, again, it's FREE!


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