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[News] Windows Vista Gets a 'D' for Wow Factor

Windows Vista's 90-Day Report Card 

,----[ Quote ]
| CIO David Bowen says he may drop Microsoft's PC software, Office
| included, in favor of Linux-based PCs and Google's new online
| business applications. Among other problems, Bowen says Lotus
| Notes didn't work properly when tested on Vista. "When you 
| consider the incompatibilities and the fact that we haven't
| seen much in the way of documented business value, we felt
| that we needed to do a lot more study," Bowen says.
| [...]
| Security      B+      No showstopper bugs or viruses; only one patch
| Application Compatibility C-    Only 1,000 apps have
|                                 compatibility been certified
| Device Drivers        B-      90% coverage means 10% breakage
| Stability             B       A service pack will be necessary this year
| Wow Factor            D       IT pros don't see the business case



Survey: Vista Used Less than 1 percent of PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows Vista may yet prove to be an unstoppable juggernaut,
| but statistics released Thursday by a market research firm
| show that the new operating system hasn't even licked its
| nine-year old ancestor.


Vista still vulnerable

,----[ Quote ]
| Vulnerabilities in Windows Vista will plague users in coming months
| and years, a prominent security researcher warns, despite its
| security improvements over predecessor XP.


Flaw found in Office 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| Researchers have discovered a "highly critical" security flaw in
| newly released Office 2007, despite Microsoft's efforts to deliver
| its most secure version yet of the productivity software.


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