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[News] H-P Gives Linux Pat on the Shoulder

HP sees Linux desktop nearing critical mass

,----[ Quote ]
| The good news, according to an HP executive, is that the company
| sees "the Linux desktop nearing critical mass." The bad news,
| for would be off-the-shelf Linux desktop buyers, is that it's
| still not there yet. 



Microsoft dirty tricks, part two (Bob Cringely)

,----[ Quote ]
| So the outside vendor was Hewlett-Packard, one of Microsoft's
| hardware OEMs, which is to say Microsoft's bitch.
| The tape disappearance was blamed on HP, which  accepted the blame,
| and the employees directly involved kept expecting there to be
| repurcussions, especially legal ones.  They expected to be deposed by
| Burst lawyers.  But it never happened.
| This was, for Microsoft, a perfect ending...


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