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Re: IT analyst tries to install Linux ..

__/ [ Doug Mentohl ] on Wednesday 28 March 2007 15:17 \__

> 'I found myself transported from the relatively cushy pastures of
> Windows, back to the frontier lands of Linux. The software has clearly
> come a long way ..The cultural vestiges remain, though, and so does the
> fix-it mindset I found myself using'
> 'the time spent with Gentoo didn't last long'
> "that's OK, just install a cut down kernel, look at the configuration
> tables and compile something that's good enough for now, so you can
> build it up from there, benefitting from the extreme performance without
> compromising on features."
> 'I canned it and went for PCLinuxOS .. the "wizard" that was used to set
> up disk partitions would quite jovially continue on its way, even if no
> disk had been selected .. For any Linux newbie, this would be a complete
> showstopper'
> 'In the Linux world, however, there seems to be an assumption that
> whoever is in front of the computer will have both the desire and the
> wherewithall to open the bonnet, run up the command line and have a bit
> of a tinker'
> 'I know, this is only one distribution among many - but this is also
> part of the problem, as a first-time user stands as much chance of being
> turned off from the whole desktop Linux concept, as being turned on to it'
> 'the growth of Linux acceptance in particular, and open source software
> in general, is equally dependent on ..  "novices" like me trying things
> out and making a decision, yay or nay'
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/03/28/desktop_linux/

The responses are interesting.


                ~~ Best wishes 

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