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[News] Vista Still Regularly Phones Home to Make it Hard to Pirate

Microsoft to "periodically" check Vista installs for piracy

,----[ Quote ]
| How often is "periodically?" Will routine maintenance performed by
| corporate IT technicians trigger it and perhaps cause a failure?
| Glitches are sure to occur. Minimizing glitches will be the key to
| success. Microsoft says it validated 300 million copies of Windows
| since July, 2005, with a failure rate of "approximately one in
| five."


Microsoft makes copying Vista a monster task

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has seen reducing piracy rates as a way to boost its
| sales, particularly given that the fastest PC sales growth is
| coming in emerging markets where piracy rates tend to be higher.


This will give a big boost to Linux as even Microsoft admits that it needs
piracy to prevail.


Vista Still Buffeted By Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) 'False Positives'

,----[ Quote ]
| Based on the volume of postings in Microsoft's own forums, such a
| response smacks of spin control. True crisis-management would
| involve shutting off WGA until the darn thing is fixed. Indeed,
| this could become Microsoft's consumer Waterloo if home copies
| of Vista are continually flagged for revalidation after they've
| already been validated successfully.


My Mother is a Software Pirate

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday, my mom called frantic, because she could no longer connect to
| the Internet. While we worked through the problem, she asked, "What does
| it mean that Windows isn't genuine? Do I have spyware, or a virus?"
| [...]
| Businesses also may find that some troubleshooting mechanisms could
| create invalidations like mom's. There are two rules of dead-end
| Windows troubleshooting: If all else fails, reboot. If rebooting
| fails, reinstall Windows. Some IT re-installation or re-imaging
| shortcuts could lead to licensing invalidations. But affected end
| users will be in good company. My mom.


Why Piracy Hurts Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| "...John looks at this from a different direction. He shows you why
| software piracy hurts Open Source software--the free stuff you are using."


Microsoft seals its Windows and opens the door to Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Now comes the really interesting question. With Vista's activation
| technology, Microsoft has the power to stamp out piracy everywhere. But
| will it choose to do so everywhere? After all, if folks in China or
| Thailand or Ethiopia have to pay for Vista, they won't be able to run
| it because they won't be able to afford the licence fee. In which case
| they may finally wake up to the attractions of free software such as
| Linux - and it's easy to imagine what that will do to Microsoft's
| plans for world domination.
| It's a delicious prospect: Microsoft impaling itself on the horns
| of a dilemma it has created for itself. Roll on Thursday.


How Piracy Opens Doors for Windows

,----[ Article's summary ]
| Bill Gates may not be entirely dismayed by software thieves. They
| seed the world market and make Microsoft a standard.


Why piracy kills Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Because for them, the price is the same.
| So, please, Microsoft, defend your own products, and don't allow users to
| use pirated versions. You'll be doing the best for the Open Source
| products.


Piracy figures are inflated say criminologists 

,----[ Quote ]
| A draft report by the Australian Institute of Criminology says
| copyright holders are making up piracy figures in order to sway
| governments to their side.


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