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Re: [News] Apple Fails to Understand Open Source, Microsoft Brutally Fights It

__/ [ Rick ] on Friday 23 March 2007 02:37 \__

> On Thu, 22 Mar 2007 18:14:11 -0700, John A. Bailo wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Apple failing to understand open source
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | There is a cost for not being a good Open Source citizen and that cost
>>> | is loss of goodwill in the community. That loss is more expensive in
>>> | the long run than Apple realizes.
> <http://www.apple.com/opensource/>
>> Apple is a joke.
> Look in the mirror.
>> Case in point the Apple TV and "set top box".
>> AppleTV -- Attention, WalMart Shoppers!  IT'S A BIG LCD SCREEN!  And it
>> costs 4 times as much as the equivalent no name tv!
>> Apple SetTop -- $300?   These things should be given away free by IPTv
>> providers.   And they sure should run Linux.   In the end, that's the way
>> I think it will be.
>> Will Apple make money?   Of course, there's one born every minute...
> .. so the joke is that Apple will make money?

Why are you defending Apple so rigorously? Like many large companies, they
are simply vain. And their actions reflect on that. Just because they make
'cute' devices doesn't make their execs 'cute'. In fact, Jobs was recently
involved in some 'funny business', but being in a position of power, he
managed to escape it.

                ~~ Best wishes 

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Ballmer O/S - so furious it may crash
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