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[News] Microsoft Fights Against Researcher's Claim Which Puts Vista to Shame

Microsoft, Vista activation researcher butt heads

,----[ Quote ]
| "There are many features of Vista that are simply not documented
| well. SkipRearm is one of them," said Livingston. "Is it possible
| that there is some other interaction that affects these commands?
| Could the interval between multiple uses of SkipRearm affect
| whether or not it continues to work? Someone needs to test all
| five versions of Vista to find out."


More examples at the bottom.


Microsoft security guru wants Vista bugs rated less serious

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's own bug hunters should cut Windows Vista some slack and
| rate its vulnerabilities differently because of the operating
| system's new, baked-in defenses, according to the developer who
| is often the public persona of the company's Security Development
| Lifecycle (SDL) process.


Vista still vulnerable

,----[ Quote ]
| Vulnerabilities in Windows Vista will plague users in coming months
| and years, a prominent security researcher warns, despite its
| security improvements over predecessor XP.


Other 'wars' against researchers:

Microsoft's Response (to Gutmann's Critism)

,----[ Quote ]
| Since the portions that I'll comment on here are PR-related rather
| than technical content, the following section is an attempt to
| respond directly and try and unravel the PR spin. The technical
| comments have been integrated into the main body of the writeup.


How Apple orchestrated web attack on researchers

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple is a mega corporation that nearly smashed the reputation of
| two individuals with bogus claims of fraud. It didn't matter
| that they weren't the ones pulling the trigger because they
| were pulling all the strings.


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