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[News] [Rival] Europe Gets Warned About Splitting of Microsoft

EU warned to be careful on any Microsoft break-up

,----[ Quote ]
| The European Commission, Europe's top antitrust regulator, has never
| broken up a company for abusing its market dominance, although it
| has required major divestments by firms seeking permission to merge.
| The former U.S. official and other legal experts say the EU executive
| could theoretically impose such a solution on Microsoft as the price
| of doing business in Europe. 



Microsoft Responds as EU Considers Break-Up

,----[ Quote ]
| "It could be reasonable to draw the conclusion that behavioral remedies
| are ineffective and that a structural remedy is warranted," Kroes
| stated. While it may strike many as odd that the European Union
| could order a company located in the United States to split up or
| otherwise modify its structure, Kroes noted the possibility of
| such remedies is specifically mentioned in EU antitrust law.


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