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[News] Debate on the GPL and Copyrights, Google Sued

Should Copyright Be Abolished?

,----[ Quote ]
| These members of the anti-copyright crowd cite the GPL (GNU Public
| License) as an alternative to copyright without any sense of the
| ironic fact that the GPL can't exist without copyright. They're
| proposing a solution while simultaneously advocating the 
| destruction of the thing that makes their solution workable.
| While the GPL is less restrictive than other licensing methods,
| it's a license and it does impose some restrictions on or
| conditions for use of the work. It is a method of controlling 
| your work. But without copyright, the GPL could not be enforced.


YouTube Faces Another Legal Challenge

,----[ Quote ]
| England's top soccer league and an indie music publisher sued
| YouTube on Friday, saying the online video pioneer was engaging
| in widespread copyright infringement to bring traffic to the site.


C|Net cites the Yankee Group (Microsoft shill) and Groklaw thinks that
Microsoft is behind some of these attacks on Google.


Microsoft Befriends Google's Foes

,----[ Quote ]
| After a government- and monopoly-inspired period in which Microsoft had
| to pretend to be a gentle force for global good, the company is being
| forced to return to its ruthless roots. Ironically, it is doing this
| in part by decrying the unfair practices of a competitor and
| shamelessly sucking up to the Establishment.


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