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[News] [OSS] Survey: Public Sector Gains Confidence in Free Open Source Software; Praised by Report

Survey shows open source progress

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source technology now has a firm foothold in the public sector, 
| according to a new survey


Is the Open Source Development Model Right for Your Organization?

,----[ Quote ]
| The open source development model has proved to be a very successful
| model with hundreds of open source projects that can be used as a
| success story. This development model has special characteristics that
| allow faster development, faster testing, higher innovation, peer review,
| total openness and transparency. In this article we reviewed the open
| source development model and compared it to the traditional corporate
| development model. Many companies are adopting some of the practices of
| the open source development model for the advantages it offers.



Unisys Predicts 2007 Open Source Trends

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Unisys experts, 2007 will be the year that open source 
| software attains the architectural backing and distribution channels needed 
| to gain acceptance from enterprise customers as a front-rank vehicle for 
| deploying enterprise applications to drive business growth and innovation 
| at a lower cost per transaction.


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