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[News] [Linux] Mobile Linux versus the Rest

Linux vs. Windows Mobile and Symbian: Which is best for mobile?

,----[ Quote ]
| Palm has announced its intention to migrate its Palm OS-based
| software assets to Linux. Apple is about to launch iPhone, which
| will run on OS X, a Unix-based software. Both companies have a
| track record of delighting customers with easy-to-use products
| that work out of the box without any extra work.
| If vendors such as those can leverage the ability to customize
| Linux devices with the ease of setup found with Symbian OS and
| Windows Mobile devices, Linux could easily catch on -- big time
| -- as a mainstream mobile platform.


Noteworthy quotes (not from the article):

        "Windows is to Linux what hotmail is to gmail."

        "Windows is to Linux what IE6 is to Firefox."


Linux storming the mobile phone world

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is "assaulting the mobile phone" sector with a
| two-pronged attack focusing on commercial operating
| systems and real-time operating system replacement.


GNOME Mobile and Embedded Initiative Announced

,----[ Quote ]
| The GNOME Foundation announced today the creation of the GNOME
| Mobile & Embedded Initiative (GMAE), and a software platform for
| user experience development across a wide range of device profiles.


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