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[News] A Look at the Many Rough Edges of Windows Vista, No Service Pack Schedule Yet

Vista and its Quirks: DivX compatibility

,----[ Quote ]
| But now, to get to the essence of my ranting: the sporadic quirkiness
| of Vista.


5 common Vista RTM problems and ways to correct them. (Or at least, alleviate
the symptoms.)

,----[ Quote ]
| 1) File operations are incredibly slow. (Copying, Moving, Naming, etc...
| 2) Intermittent loss of Internet Connection.
| 3) You receive a "STOP 0x0000009F" error message..
| 4) Windows Mobile Device Center will only show an empty window...
| 5) Opening folders in the new Start menu is unbearably slow.


Windows Vista Home Premium -- Unable to uninstall software

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is always sweet here. First, you can just "sudo" to
| Administrator. And second, you need not to log off/restart for anything.
| Vista Ultimate users, you always have the gpedit.msc. Forgot to
| mention something, I am not able to use my Nortel Contivity
| client on Vista.


So Where is Microsoft Vista SP1? 

,----[ Quote ]
| "It is too early to talk about SP1's delivery, including whether it
| will be released at the same time as Windows Server code name Longhorn,"
| a Microsoft spokesperson told eWEEK. The statement contradicts Muglia's
| earlier statement. When pressed, the spokesperson would only further
| say that there was "no firm date range for SP1."


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