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[News] There's Hope for Broken Patents System and Music Industry

Top U.S. Court Clears Way for More Patent Challenges (Update1) 

,----[ Quote ]
| The U.S. Supreme Court made it easier to challenge patents for
| failing to introduce genuine innovations, siding with Intel Corp.
| and Cisco Systems Inc. and dealing a setback to the drug and
| biotechnology industries.
| [...]
|  The gas-pedal case concerned claims that a patent was invalid because it 
| simply combined prior inventions.


Yahoo! Defeats Sony BMG Infringement Suit

,----[ Quote ]
| A federal jury in New York decided late today that Yahoo!'s Launchcast
| is not liable to Sony BMG Music Entertainment for copyright infringement.


New law could save internet radio

,----[ Quote ]
| "You can't put an economic chokehold on this emerging force of
| democracy," Inslee said, according to CNet News. "There has to
| be a business model that allows creative webcasters to thrive 
| and the existing rule removes all the oxygen from this space."


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