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Re: [News] Microsoft Becomes Desparate in Fight to Keep Office Lockin Alive

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o' wisdom:

> Microsoft's ooXML is on the ropes in Europe
> http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/12252/

   However, according to Fishkind, it isn't just Europe that is
   rejecting Microsoft's attempt to impose its own documents standard.

   "On July 1, 2007, Japan will become the first Asian nation to declare
   a formal policy giving priority to technology based on open
   standards," he said in an email.

> | I'm not a cynical person by nature and I tried to watch my tone
> | here, but a stunt is a stunt. I had hoped for better.
> http://www.sutor.com/newsite/blog-open/?p=1616

   The longer Microsoft continues this charade of OOXML being an
   independent open standard rather than its actually just being an
   XMLification of their proprietary product data formats, the longer
   the industry will have to wait for the full benefits of a single
   standard. In the meanwhile, ODF will continue to grow in adoption.
   Remember, we\u2019re only playing with the rate of adoption of ODF
   here, not the question of whether or not it will happen.

> Microsoft playing three card monte with XML conversion
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=959

   Edwards charges that conversions using the ODF's daVinci and ACME 376
   systems worked fine in all beta releases of Office 2007, then broke
   in the final public version. Microsoft did this, he writes, through
   changes to OOXML, a Microsoft proprietary product built into its
   Exchange/SharePoint Hub. He adds:

    (Watch carefully now, the hand is quicker than the eye; ViSTO
     2005, which was released with MSOffice 2007, dropped support for
     MSXML entirely in favor of the MS version of OOXML. (i mention
     this because there is clear evidence that MOOXML, legacy
     MOOXML, and now MOOXL Binary InfoSet for Excel all include
     eXtensions and dependencies that differ from the Ecma 376
     version submitted to ISO/IEC).

Who'd a thunk it?  Microsoft changing formats so soon?  My oh my my my.
Tsk tsk.

> http://sutor.com/newsite/blog-open/?p=1145
> Is Office Open XML A One-Way Standard? Ask Microsoft

   Finally, do this little thought experiment: imagine how thick a ream,
   or 500 sheets of paper is. Double that to get the thickness of a
   thousand pages, make that 4 times thicker to see how thick 4000 pages
   is. That's how many pages were in the last draft of the Open XML
   spec. How many people will you need to implement that fully and
   correctly, much less read it? I believe the final version is around
   six thousand pages (correction?). I think we're already past
   feasibility for most people unless you've already implemented
   and debugged the software over a period of years.

What a barrage.

   The Microsoft Solution -- Apply money liberally.  Re-apply as necessary.

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