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[News] [OSS] Sun Says Open Source is Unstoppable, Introduces BlackBox

Sun's Schwartz at Startup Camp: Learn from users who outpace biggest IT

,----[ Quote ]
| To kick off Startup Camp yesterday, Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz delivered
| a short opening keynote that we captured on video tape where he talked 
| about the greenfield opportunities that startups have to make technology
| into a competitive weapon.


Taking the lid off Project BlackBox

,----[ Quote ]
| At JavaOne in San Francisco this week, Sun showed off Project 
| Blackbox, a working data center from Sun that's engineered to
| fit into a standard shipping container 8 feet wide, 8 feet tall
| and 20 feet long.



Q&A: GlassFish shows open source at its best

,----[ Quote ]
| In an interview, Sun's Ken Drachnik discusses how GlassFish, the
| open-source Java code, has sped up the development cycle and
| enabled more sophisticated apps


Sun hopes for Linux-like Solaris

,----[ Quote ]
| Basic operations, such as the "ls" command to see a listing of
| files in a directory, behave differently in Solaris, and Solaris
| lacks Linux tools for packaging, downloading and installing
| software such as Debian's apt-get, Murdock said. And Linux's
| installation process is much better than that of Solaris, in
| part because of better hardware support, he said.


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