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Re: [News] [Linux] Total Ignorance Strikes: Teachers Want Windows ME Back

Verily I say unto thee, that John Locke spake thusly:
> On Sat, 12 May 2007 14:24:31 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> School District Fires Network Manager
> They're gonna fire the Network Manager and hire some worthless
> administrator for twice the money ? Now that's really stupid.

Mason has my sympathies:

"From what I've read and heard and known for a long time, the teachers
(at the high school) are basically spoiled. They want to have everything
their way and when they are told they can't have something their way
because of security issues. they complain," Mason said.

I know what it's like to be appointed sysadmin for a network used by
spoiled brats (of the adult variety), who will even go as far as
demanding the right to install pirate software on workstations, demand
the right to install pornographic wallpaper/screensavers, demand the
right to compromise the network's security, demand binary newsgroups
access to download pirate software, and basically shout and scream like
school children if they don't get those privileges.

Meanwhile the management, being typically technophobic, decide to
capitulate in order to keep the peace, undermine my authority as
sysadmin, compromise the network, and cause me months of headaches
trying to clean up the inevitable mess the "kids" leave behind.

And of course, for all their shouting and screaming, who's the first
person they turn to when they get hit by a virus ... me. And I'm
supposed to just get on with it, with a smile on my face and a song in
my heart, when what I *really* want to do is tell them to grow up and
piss off, in that order.

The laugh of it is, that it wasn't even my job, it was only a favour (it
was recreation computers, not work machines), and I spent my own
off-duty hours setting this system up for the ungrateful bastards.

I pity anyone brave enough to take on *that* job.

Of course that was not entirely a typical working environment (offshore
industry), where people virtually get away with murder, and corporate
policies are more rigorously enforced in the more publicly "accessible"
environments, but still I have *no* desire to be put in that kind of
situation ever again, where I am forced to implement destructive changes
to the network at the whim of a bunch of yobs.


| 'Also, no one calls it PCI-X even though that's the "official "
| shortening of the much more commonly used "PCI Express".'
|    - Hardon Quirk, COLA's resident genius.

Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux) on sky, running kernel 2.6.20-1.2312.fc5
 23:21:50 up 25 days, 20:54,  0 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.12, 0.09

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