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Re: Schestowitz debunked

__/ [ flyer ] on Saturday 12 May 2007 05:07 \__

> In article <4644723e$0$2286$ec3e2dad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> ACDC@xxxxxxx says...
>> Read all about it:
>> http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/?p=247&tag=nl.e622
> An idiot attempting the impossible.
> The only way to sucessfully "debunk" Schestowitz is to somehow remove all
> his postings.
> That will be difficult.
> Keep reading ALL the news about a degraded Microsoft, and as well all the
> news about Linux assuming strong positions in industry and elsewhere all
> over the world.
> Read 'em and weep shills.
> No way to stop THIS flood spud.

You can either take the work of Mr. Bott, who is a Microsoft partner in
almost every sense of the word (just look at Thurrott and Pirillo) or just
look at the opinion of those who are not affiliated with or dependent on
Microsoft, e.g.

Allchin's 'Buy a Mac' E-Mail Exposed

,----[ Quote ]
| "I must tell you everything in my soul tells me that we should do
| what I called plan (b) yesterday. We need a simple fast storage
| system. LH [Longhorn] is a pig and I don't see any solution to this
|         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| problem. If we are to rise to the challenge of Linux and Apple, we
|                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| need to start taking the lessons of 'scenario, simple, fast' to
| heart. Jim"


This one is actually from the project leader, but SHEESH! He didn't know the
E-mail would be leaked.

Buying a new PC? 'Windows Vista Capable' barely hits the mark

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's on-the-box minimum RAM requirement "really isn't
| realistic," according to David Short, an IBM consultant who works
| in its company's Global Services Divison. He says users should
| consider 4GB of RAM if they really want optimum Vista performance.
| With 512MB of RAM, Vista will deliver performance that's
| "sub-XP," he warned.


Windows Vista consumes 600MB of RAM with no apps running

,----[ Quote ]
| closed the sidebar, but sidebar.exe is still alive and using 26MB.
| Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) is using 55MB. The Search
| Indexer is consuming 30MB. Even the recommended 1GB of RAM might not
| leave much room for applications on Vista.


Testing Vista's different memory configurations 

,----[ Quote ]
| You simply cannot play games on Vista with 512MB o memory, at least not the 
| games wen tested. You will sometimes get playable scores but even then the 
| experience and the load time will be ridiculous.
| Anything more than 512MB will help you a lot, with 2x1GB being the best 
| price performance buy.
| 4x1GB is the best choice for best raw performance. It is hard to prove it
| ^^^^^ 
| in every test, but if you have 2x1GB and you load as much in memory, the 
|                                ^^^^^
| system will become endessly slow. 
|                             ^^^^     


Vista Runs Smooth Only on 2G Memory

,----[ Quote ]
| However, Dell CEO Kevin Rollins suggested otherwise on Thursday, 26 Oct at 
| a speech at Shanghai's Jiaotong University. "I think they tell you maybe 1 
| gig of memory is OK. No, two gigs of memory would be great."
| This echoes with my own experience with Vista RC2. With only 1G of
| RAM, there are many disk activities indicating heavy disk swap, a
| symptom of lack of memory in the system.


Vista System Memory Concerns

,----[ Quote ]
| Vista: Facing a Slow Adoption. In the beginning, early adopters and
| gamers who are looking to ready themselves for the DirectX 10 upgrade
| will be best suited for those ready to make an investment in the
| unknown.
| Considering how many software and game titles will likely need to
| be run in "compatibility mode" until patches are released across
| the board, I would suggest really looking at what Vista's advantages
| are before taking the plunge.
| No matter how much we may wish to see the path Vista is about to
| embark on, the fact remains that because of its hardware requirements,
| Vista adoption may turn out to be rather slow.


Microsoft Windows Is A Greedy Memory Hog, The Cure Is To Feed It RAM

,----[ Quote ]
| For Windows 2000, XP, 512MB is the minimum and 1GB or more is recommended.
| For Windows 98 any flavor, 256MB is the minimum and 1GB is recommended. If 
| you are an avid PC gamer or video editor, 1GB is the minimum 
| recommendation. Other operating systems such as Linux or Mac are similar. 
| Simply put: more is better.


This one isn't much of a problem...

Vista PCs: Suffering from Memory Loss?

,----[ Quote ]
| A reader wants to know why his new computer--which is supposed to have
| 4GB of memory--keeps telling him it really has only 3GB


Here's one happens when Microsoft /PAYS/ for the 'facts'.

Microsoft Claims Vista's Aero Interface Doesn't Slow PCs 

,----[ Quote ]
| Principled Technologies, which conducted the research for Microsoft, is
|                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| offering a download of the report.


                ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Free 3-D Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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