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[News] [Rival] Hard Times for Microvell

Novell's profit slumps; Microsoft business drops

,----[ Quote ]
| The Free Software Foundation, which controls licensing of open source
| code, has criticized the partnership. The Foundation is expected to 
| soon release a new version of an open source license that could 
| punish Novell, by preventing the company from distributing future 
| versions of open source software.
| Hovsepian declined to comment on the new license, which is still in 
| draft form. "When we see the final draft then we'll have a better 
| way to respond," Hovsepian said.


Novell CEO says looking at acquisitions, buyback

,----[ Quote ]
| Hovsepian said during an analyst conference call he is looking
| to find the proper "balance" between those two potential uses
| for Novell's cash war chest.


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