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[News] [Linux] Ubuntu Linux Raves, Vista Disappointments

They say I need Windows Vista or better, so I got Linux!!!

,----[ Quote ]
| After using Linux for a month, I have become overly content with
| the performance of this free alternative OS. And I hope that
| someday the reader of this document will be as excited with
| Linux as I am. I will say that Ubuntu sure beats the price I
| would have to pay for Windows Vista and the new computer that 
| I would have to buy to run that resource hungry OS.


>From Windows Vista to Ubuntu 7.04

,----[ Quote ]
| I finally made the switch.  I reloaded my Dell E521 with Ubuntu 7.04
| this weekend.  After poking around to make sure there were enough
| rocks in place for me to tip-toe across the river of change, I
| went for it. 


Tech Tip 124: Introducing...Windows Vista -- Part II

,----[ Quote ]
| In the final analysis, it sure is pretty on top, but it appears as
| if Microsoft may have taken Vista out of the oven a little
| early -- it's not quite done cooking on the inside yet.


No Vista for 2008 Beijing Olympics

,----[ Quote ]
| The IT systems supporting the upcoming 2008 Olympic Games in
| Beijing, China, will not be using Windows Vista, Microsoft's
| latest operating system.


The following screenshot is hilarious. There's no deliberate Googlebombing...


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