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[News] [Linux] Eben Moglen Advises That Novell/Microsoft Eliminate Patent-related Parts of Their Deal

Eben Moglen: MS should remove patents from Novell agreement (video)

,----[ Quote ]
| In this segment of our week-long series of video excerpts from our
| interview with Professor Eben Moglen at last week's Red Hat Summit 
| in San Diego, he explains why it could be disastrous for Microsoft 
| to continue the patent aggression that is part of their Novell
| agreement.


Kill the patents, kill the problem

,----[ Quote ]
| Whatever Novell's motivations in its dealing with Microsoft and
| subsequently with the EFF, the fact remains that if software 
| patents are shown to be the harmful and counterproductive 
| mistake we believe them to be, the industry will benefit in
| many ways. The community must remain united with this in mind.
| Nothing else matters.


The Patent Puzzle

,----[ Quote ]
| Patent fights are fights about money. The secondary issue, the one
| that makes the headlines, is control. To really understand what's
| going on in the current patent posturing involving Microsoft, Novell,
| and a host of open-source companies and groups, it helps to keep 
| those factors firmly in mind.


Novell Tries Striking Delicate Balance on Patents

,----[ Quote ]
| So when Microsoft claimed Linux and some of its open source programs
| violate 235 of its patents last week - and held up its agreement with
| Novell as the template for the royalty payments it wants from
| everybody - Novell must have wanted to hide under the bed wrapped
| in a flame mail-retardant blankie.


Why SCO Does Not Own the Unix Copyrights

,----[ Quote ]
|  But it was widely thought that the "baton" of such copyright as remained 
| for Unix righteously passed from USL to Novell thence to Santa Cruz, then 
| presumably to Caldera International in 2001 which renamed itself in 2002 to 
| "The SCO Group".


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