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Re: [News] [OSS] OpenDocument Appears to be Already Defeating the Microsoft Lockin

On 2007-05-29, Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> On Tue, 29 May 2007 19:58:14 GMT, Linonut wrote:

>> Not to worry.  The only OOXML implementation out there will be
>> Microsoft's.
> That's funny, considering there's already other implementations, either in
> the works or already here.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_Open_XML#Adoption
> * Corel has announced that by mid-2007 its WordPerfect Office suite will
> support Office Open XML as well as OpenDocument.

And by mid-2009 it won't work because it was already extended.

> * Gnumeric has limited SpreadsheetML markup language support.

And it will remain forever limited because MS can't allow anyone to
implement anything that might pull people away from their slaveware.

> * Novell has created an Office Open XML plugin for OpenOffice.org, the
> plugin is released as open source software, and will be submitted for
> inclusion into the OpenOffice.org project.

And it won't work anymore around the same time the Corel version stops,
if not sooner.

> * Apple Inc.'s TextEdit will support Office Open XML in the next version of
> OS X, Leopard.

And stop working in the following version. Unless it gets extended
before that version is released, in which case it will stop *during*
leopard, go into the next, extended version and stop working again
sometime before that version of OS X is stale.

See, Erik? We've played this game before. We know the rules already.

Windows: The answer to a question nobody asked.

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